There appears to be a significant amount of disinformation, both inadvertent and misleading, when it comes to factory correct details or what is considered "stock". I do recognize there are slight difference between the factories' production lines, time of year/production, individual workmanship, etc...I'm mostly referring to the bigger, more basic issues that should be more universal. Unfortunately, as I spend more time reading the 2014 MCA Rule Book, I'm left with far more questions then I ever seem to actually find. It's too bad there isn't an all-inclusive owner's guide of "known" assembly details for mustang owners who embark on a path towards correct restorations. The magnitude of information would, in fact, be staggering...unfortunately, as those who really do "know" the details become silent, those who want to know will have fewer and fewer resource to draw upon. Thankfully, we have this forum for which I have found profoundly informative, along with the quality of advice provided by the experts who graciously surf/respond to these forums.
Anyway, I'm looking for "god's truth" on what decals were used and specific locations for a 1968 S-Code built in early Dec 67 (SJ, CA). Is there a manual, guide, ref, etc. that provides these details? Again, I recognize there can be/is some variations. Specifically, I'd love to start with knowing where and what decal versions are used for the GT air cleaner...I see lots of different decal configurations, even amongst what seems to be the same engines and years. The Scott Drake/Jim Osborn kits even seem to have different decals then I've noticed in some of the original factory photos provided by Jeff S. in the SJ Forum.
I'm also looking to find decals and location details for the emission system and air conditioning.
Is there a collection (or gallery) anywhere on line that shows Concurs Gold Winners? Having access to detailed pictures of past winers would also be helpful...they must exist somewhere, right?