1 With a fixed back seat, when looking from the trunk towards the back seat you should only see the back of the back seat (that black metal piece)...correct?
Looking forward you should see the back (or top side in a fold down) of the first section of the fold down without any carpet and without any of the bright trim - just the base, painted Dark Charcoal Metallic like the other dark interior pieces (well 95 % of them
Like above in picture #4, #7 & #8
2.With a fixed back seat, when looking from the trunk one should see body color extending all the way up to the front of the inner wheel well and trunk floor...correct?
Depending on the plant, the worker and how much effort they put in (how much body color overspray was applied) you will normally find a mixture of body color, and primers (in pockets and corners as well as in the shadows from the paint gun) on the forward area of the trunk floor and the wheel well surfaces in the interior. Remember the trunk mat is different on a non-fold down car and it extends further into the interior behind the seat so allot of the floor surface will be covered