Thanks! I appreciate it. Yes, to be honest I was not exactly sure what to call them. From what I can tell, the rocker panel is an actual functional support piece - not a cosmetic part. So yes, that is what I'm referring to.
I'm wondering - should that part be painted over entirely with black, or should there be some chrome/aluminum sections exposed, as it looks almost like there is chrome or aluminum underneath (where the black paint flaked off). I was hoping that some accurate pictures might help.
As an aside, I was referred to this site as a suggestion from a question I posted on the forums.vintage-mustang site, which was - are there any resources out there that have thorough and accurate pictures of what these cars looked like from the factory, in detail? I'm sure Ford has a good stash of pictures, but that doesn't necessarily mean they'll pop up in Bing or Google searches. It would be great to be able to go review accurate pictures of any part of the car, inside and out, as needed when upgrading/repairing/restoring. I don't think my car will win any prizes, but I'd like to try to keep it close to stock if I make repairs, you know?