The service replacement screw is 376365-S(100), 8-18X1 1/4 inch, oval head, Phillips drive, stainless. It is not referenced on any of the Mustang Assembly drawings. Six are required.
1 Remove the seats. (Trust me, remove the seats.)
2 You should have the front bracket installed and the console attached to it before you install the screws, paying attention to the shifter plate for proper operation and clearance.
3 If there is no front bracket, place the console over the shifter plate and make any side to side and front to back adjustments keeping the top of the console and the bottom of the dash parallel.
4 Using an awl or an ice pick, drive a hole into the drive shaft hump in one hole and leave the tool there. This will keep the console from shifting while you mark the remaining five holes. Mark the edge of the console with white chalk in a few spots (the chalk will come off easy) on the carpet for alignment as well. Remember, there is a 1/2 inch thick tar based insulation material to go thru before the screw hits metal. Use a blue or black ball point pen refill for light carpet, it needs to go thru the screw hole in the console. The marking should device should be at a 40 to 50 degree angle from the horizontal.
5 For black carpet use: a light colored marker that will go thru the screw hole; chalk and a straw; a stick match and a dab of white paint on the blunt end - get creative. Remember the angle.
6 When all the holes are marked, remove the tool and the console, and, as the other post suggested, use a hot soldering iron or gun to melt the carpet (it will stink) over your marks. This will reduce the chance of the carpet getting unraveled. The factory did not do this (they "punched" the screws in with an air tool) so when, and if, you removed the mounting screws, the carpet sometimes unraveled (and you learn new words).
7 Replace the console (don't forget to hook up the wiring), use the punch to go thru the insulation and into the metal. Again, the angle of the punching tool should be about 40 to 50 degrees from the horizontal. Install the screws and you are done (except for the seats).
The second one is always easier.