C code, C4, 2.79 standard rear... GT/CS. First time I have seen 5 paint stripes, used to 4. From the front a light (white, light orange?) thin stripe (about 3/8"), then the typical 3 stripes - light green (but the color is odd changes in the light and with the flash almost looks light blue at times....?), pink, white in ~1/2" wide. And then a 5th thin line again, in a dark green or dark green blue, never seen this one before... but the others I have done were big blocks.
Is the 5 stripe pattern typical for small blocks of this type/time??
Going to clean and leave alone. Using wax and grease remover with a nylon scrub pad.
Any suggestions on a finish to use to keep it from rusting too much too fast, Brisbane is warm and humid? Rust converter, clear coat...??