OK - I did more homework and the 10 line (green/red) provides power to the brakelight switch and runs through one of the ammeter circuit breakers under the console (70 made the circuit breaker a standard feature). Line 478 is output to the foglamps, and 14 is power from the parking lamps power switch off the light switch. BUT, there is a circuit from the 15 amp circuit breaker from the ammeter (power all the time) to the foglamp switch. This is making the foglamps work at any time, not just when the parking lamps are on?
I pulled the wire from the circuit breaker to the fog lamp switch and everything works as it is suppose to. I don't know why Ford pulls power through that second circuit breaker since it draws power from the parking lamp circuit. Anybody know why?
I'm thinking I have a contact somewhere in the turn signal switch. That is usually the culprit.