Join us on Facebook: Search for 'ConcoursMustang' Private group! , Sonoma, CA August 21-24, 2025
Hi Mark,To keep it simple-YES the face of the brake drum belongs blacked out...........
That's odd. This morning links were broken but just opened them to relink and they were back. Odd - Maybe the newest version of Foxfire did something. Relinked them again anyway to pictures stored here on or site
Thanks Jeff!So, just slathered on after the drum nuts, eh? Kinda sloppy, yes?
Since I'm trying to use up some media contaminated with brake residue (yes, my system vents outside) I figure I'll just do the drums and rotor hubs now.However, it doesn't appear my assembly line drums were ever lathed on the outside "band" like other drums.Typical outside "band" on these and an overall shot to show the square holes.Black paint still visible!