............ Anyway does anyone have pictures of how it was applied at the NJ plant in 67? Was there anything that should not be in place when this gets applied?
Ok here are some pictures (remember everyone without a 67 NJ car - these are not for YOUR CAR
Before you go spraying the sealant or what ever product you choose to us to reproduce the stuff make sure you have all the
1- electrical through the firewall
2- the brake lines and retaining hardware in place
3- speedo, throttle and clutch rods attached to or through the firewall with rubber boots in place
4- heater motor attached (all hardware in place) wires connected, if you have a heater control valve its in place and attached. As well as heater hoses
5- any vacuum hoses that pass through the firewall in place
At that point make sure you seal around the heater hoses with a little dum - dum (3M strip chalking works well for this)
And both screw covers in place over the mounting screws that pass through the firewall - Should typically be two. Different location depending on v8 or 6 cylinder it appears
In the following examples I used examples of fairly heavy applications of the sealant since they show up better that way and I highlighted the area I see covered or in some cases were it appears that there was sealant that fell off when rust developed behind it. ZRemember that the heater motor waould have been installed before the sealant application
Since you have a 6 cylinder non- PB car I choose examples that best matched these features
Remember when you apply the sealant the idea was to seal every screw, electrical connection/pass through or anything else that passed through the firewall. Not that they always got every thing most tried
As always - Hope this helps