Join us on Facebook: Search for 'ConcoursMustang' Private group! , Sonoma, CA August 21-24, 2025
Black plastic plunger with white plastic surround. Brian
Always been curious about this one... Were the metal ones ever used by Ford originally, or was it just a repro thing?
Yes they were used on other models and other years - as well as being available as service replacement (NOS) - possibly one reason we see them on Mustangs.
Hi Jeff, was it possible that yellow cadmium finished metal courtsey light were a plant specific item? I had the metal light switches on my late July 1965 Metuchen built car and they looked to be original to the car. I too have normally seen the black plunger with the white plastic surround at the typical part used there.
Should have worded that better (did "fix" it ) The original question was specially about San Jose production but they have been found - and believed to be original on other 65 Mustang's produced at other plants as well as being a common replacement for the plastic ones