I'm in the process of restoring the convertible top frame for my Dearborn built 66 convertible. I just received the tack strips for the front bow
and the number 4 bow. I received 4 strips in all. Two 60 inch ones that go on top of bow #4, one 54 inch one that goes on the bottom of the header bow, and I also received a 39 inch one that I'm not sure where it goes. I think it may go on the #4 bow before the 60 inch ones go on,
to beef up the center portion of the tack strip area, to be flush with the top of the bow channel, but am not sure. Some advise would be appreciated.
Also, The #2 and #3 bows have 1/ 2 inch by 3/8 inch pieces of 8 inch long felt attached to the ends, on the top, running toward the center of each bow. I can't find these in any catalog, anyone know where I might find some relacements.
Thanks: John