After reading the latest Judging post I guess I'll punt to the judges here.
The solenoid issue was addressed a bit in the referenced post, but now I'm more confused than enlightened. For instance, I have two C7 solenoids -- one a little better than the other, but both serviceable with a little cleanup.
Original solenoids have a slight curve to the top bracket, whereas the repops I've seen offer a straight cut. Just like an incorrect engineering number, this really jumps out at me and probably the judges.
Do I continue to clean this one up (Note arrow pointing to original solenoid curve):
Or buy this incorrect (to me) repop with a straight cut and no curve?
Or am I just not looking hard enough and there is another (more expensive, probably) option?
Since this question is more of a judging and showing question rather than an original one let me offer these thoughts.
Unless you can clean and replace the visible metal parts of the original you have then you will loose points on condition.
If you choose the reproduction - out of the box you will likely receive some sort of mention or deduction where it lacks in detail and correctness.
Some of these details can be improved or corrected while others are a bit more of a challenge.
Hint- Compare the large studs are they the same type of thread?
The cable nuts are they the same style as the originals?
Are the nuts that hold the studs to the main case the right style?
And one would expect someone will expect the top rivet sealant to be in place.
Sometimes there is not a right answer just a better one. Make the best of it as its a bolt on item that can be improved, replaced, or upgraded later if the chance arises
As for restoring these the metal plating/condition is the biggest issue I run across. Have been pretty successful with polishing/restoring the cases using a vibration tumbler/polisher with corn husk and buffing compound mixed together.