Join us on Facebook: Search for 'ConcoursMustang' Private group! , Sonoma, CA August 21-24, 2025
The original 1968 Shelby hubcaps have not been reproduced.If you want them you have to buy them "used"
Well no wonder i couldn't find them, so do most people run the 10 spoke? any leads on used hub caps or just the norm ebay etc. what's the consensus as far judging
There is a set for sale on the SAAC forum.
Although not factory the 67 Ten spokes are the go to alternative to the hubcaps on the 68 Shelby. Since judging is based on how the car typically left the dealer to the first owner when new the expectation is hubcaps in concours or a deduction without.
i see, i noticed you have to search quite a bit to even get a picture with hubcaps vs. 10-spokes or mags
Up until about 8 to 10 years ago most thought the ten spokes were factory for 68 besides the 67 Shelby and consequently that was the go to wheel. A few of us in the Shelby community have pushed the factory documented facts about what came from the factory to the enthusiasts. The change has taken hold or acceptance of the change has taken hold given factory original is the driving force or at least a large part of the direction restorations of high value Shelby's typically take. It has driven the price of ten spokes down in price and usable hubcaps up. You used to be able to pick up used hubcaps for like 25.00 heck I had some on a trailer once. Now a 1000.00 each is not out of the question for a show quality hubcap. Of course at the end of the day it is your car and you can do with it what you like.
so where exactly is this trailer parked?
When the hubcaps advanced in value 15 years ago was when the trailer lost them to capitalism.