I don't believe that information is correct. Castings for 260 were C4OE-6015-B and later C4OE-6015-E (+service). 1964 production 289 castings (5 bolt) were C4OE-6015-C and C4OE-6015-F(service).
Would recommend getting a copy of the Bob Mannel : https://fordsmallblock.com/
260 c.i.d. engine block raw castings, we have studied in Experimental High Performance 260 and High Performance 260 engines:
C2OE-6015-JD (may be JO but the casting is not real crisp)
260 c.i.d. engine block raw casting people report in all kinds of cars:
289 c.i.d. engine block raw castings in five bolt pattern:
The 289 engine sized C4OE-6015-F block casting was not just for service. In my data base I have High Performance 289 five bolt engines using those castings May 15 through August 25 of 1964. I do not save data for anything but the High Performance 289 engines but I would have to think any 289 engines in five bolt would have probably used the same base casting. I have May 15 recorded but there were probably other engines assembled earlier with the suffix F casting.
Based on what I have seen over the decades all three casting versions were used in service or over-the-counter engines each in turn as they came and went in daily production at the Cleveland complex.