When I purchased the car - it had an after market carby.
My signature says SAN JOSE Mach 1 70(late built 69)
So the 70 mach1 didnt have this setup? is that correct?
Because I purched this car - it had an after market carby and assumed they all came with a choke because of its age?
So no manual choke for a 70 mach1?
Manual chokes were replaced in the late 50's early 60's on many applications. Retained on some performance and commercial vehicles. They were replaced with the automatic chokes since this made it easier for owners.
IF you look at the unrestored thread in that section titled - 70 San Jose - M code Mach I - Jan Build - Unrestored Picture Thread you will notice no choke provision at the carburetor. Same plant (though that doesn't make a difference in this detail) same engine.
Here is a picture of the factory carburator with the automatic choke assembly highlighted. No manual choke