Was the length of the seal just what the installer felt like installing or certain lengths for certain plants? I know this came up in discussions before.
It appears to depend on a number of variables looking at examples. Plant and in turn particular workers since the number of them that were assigned this task on a regular basis was under a handful at each plant, when they worked that position and the model/options on the car. Example Mach I verses non-Mach I
Going to separate yours and my response to a new thread focusing on just 69 San Jose seals and then link that one with the earlier one on the retaining clips since we're getting off the judging aspect while also moving any further discussion to the 69 section of the site
More information on the seal retainers/metal clips used at San Jose can be found in the link below
https://www.concoursmustang.com/forum/index.php?topic=8811.msg51335#msg51335Will try and post some examples in this thread. Have to catch up on a few things first