A question came up the other day as to the original finish of the sheet metal bracket that attached to the passenger side trunk hinge support and holds the trap door, on cars with the told down option, arm in place when the trap door is open. After a little research this appears to be another one of those details where two different suppliers finished the brackets differently and as we have found many times the supplier for San Jose was a different one than the NJ or Dearborn plants. Though not all of the finishes are as nice as they originally were on unrestored cars, many of the ones below are still very nice and on others you can determine the likely finish by comparing them to the trap door rod which was P&O
Hope this helps others
New Jersey appears to be P&O
Looks like the phosphate on this one was on the light side
Dearborn appears to be P&O
Take notice the the attaching hardware is different also. Star washers used on San Jose examples are clearly visible in those pictures