I have seen the 4 small holes each one being located next to the stud and nut that are on the heater motor on several cars. Why are they there and in some cases are they actual holes?
These are commonly found on 66 San Jose Mustangs. In some cases they appear to be incomplete - only stamping dimples while other times they appears to be nice round holes. In other cases only some are visible while if present often filled or covered with spray sealant as part of the connected spray pattern the workers typically followed like the six cylinder passenger side throttle mounting holes we discussed (through emails) last week
Depth and hole clean the holes came out may be related to different stamping machines and or dies put in the machines. Since this was a common panel used by all body types and possible Ford models they likely had multiple machines stamping out the same panel.
Here are a few examples for reflects. Only a small number of the ones I have
Just dimples in the metal
Visible only on the bottom ones and uppers appear to be filled (ignore the yellow chalk marking)
Bottom holes are visible uppers, barely visible, appear to be filled by the spray
All four visible
Filled? One upper right one is visible