I had someone call me today about missing bullet connectors on the gang of plugs past the firewall. One of them was a green wire, which I have run across before some time ago.
Now I know Bosses didn't come with A/C, but some (all???) came with A/C wiring but with a twist. The large female bullet connector out in the engine compartment didn't go to one of the AC switches, but was factory spliced into the ignition RUN-only wire. The rest of the AC wiring was simply ignored and not hooked up to anything.
My question is this: what was this wire used for? It was a green wire with a green large female molded plug. I know it wasn't used for the carb anti-stall line (that's a blue wire with a white plug), nor for a rev limiter. Was it for an electric choke, perhaps?
Thanks in advance.