Well, the plot thickens. I got the water pump back from the rebuilder today. I could've sworn it had a C9 number on it, but it has a D0 casting code, which means it's 1970. My Mach was built fairly late in '69, on June 5th, and I've speculated before about whether or not it could've come with some '70 coded parts originally. As I originally posted in this thread, I've got a D0 alternator brace, which I assumed was incorrect and replaced with a C9-coded brace I bought. Now, I've got the D0 water pump.
I'll get pictures of the pump tomorrow. I got no documentation with this car, and even though it appeared to be largely original and unmolested, it was in a billion pieces. Would it be ok to use my '70 alt. bracket and water pump, even though I can't provide documentation that they were on the car from day 1?