Jeff is there another shock out there that has the same body style, that you are aware of, that I can convert to the Shelby shock on the right?
Thanks for all that you do also.
Good question.
Don't know (haven't been looking or searching) if there is one out there that you can just call up and order.
There is the option of finding some old - often worn - period shocks that will replicate the shape of the originals. You will need to restore the outer looks and paint them the appropriate color, with the correct details to match what was originally installed. I've gotten these at wrecking yards and at shops where they were replacing the shocks with new ones and tossing the old shocks
Examples of this are shown in the three following pictures
Would want to replace the one washer (and of course the rubber) with a correct one and finish it based on what shock your reproducing the look of
Wider lower section of the top outer tube like the original adjustable as well as the round spot welds attaching it to the top bell section
Filling of the original stamped details
If should be noted that the end product does not look completely like originals since there will be no visible exterior markings that indicate the maker, date, part number or settings. In a show setting depending on club, rules and judges you still could be deducted part of the total points in the category. Some judges may just accept that maybe the markings have been covered over with a heavy coat of paint.
Hope this helps in some way