First, I hope that Marty is following this thread and can enlighten us as to which year and Plant the two metal fasteners (382040-S2) came from. I have attached a copy of the picture that Marty originally Posted on October 10, 2016).
Secondly, John, thanks for Posting all of your examples of the Strap and fasteners from all three Plants. Very interesting.
By clarifying (I see you have already corrected the VIN) that the SEMS fastener (376276-S2) you pictured was from a Dearborn car, now makes your statement that the SEMS fasteners appear to have been used on Dearborn cars )at least in '67) have more credence.
In regard to your statement that San Jose used the plastic "push-pins", based on the picture of the two metal fasteners that Marty originally Posted, it appears to me that the fasteners shown on SJ VINs 7R01C168xxx, 173xxx, 194xxx are the metal ones ; the heads are shiny black, slightly domed and with rounded edges. The plastic pins appear to have a dull finish on their heads, flat heads and straight edges. Thus, it appears to me that both the plastic and metal "push-in" fasteners were used at San Jose. The question then is, was the use of both just random, or did one precede the other ? At first look, one might think that the metal ones were used initially, and then the plastic ; however, dkknab's POst and picture of the metal fastener used on his '68, although at Metuchen, might refute this idea. It appears that the real question is what was used when, at San Jose ? This may only be answered after relating type of fastener with the build dates.
Just my thoughts.