Author Topic: Using the search function  (Read 832 times)

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Using the search function
« on: September 14, 2019, 06:02:08 PM »
When using the search function  would a list of threads come back the same when a 67/68 specific question is posed on the home page or any other page verses being asked on the 67/68 page ?
8F02R218047-  July 18 1968   Dearborn

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Re: Using the search function
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2019, 10:18:24 PM »
When you bring up the search page at the bottom there is a check box that lets you search all of the site or focus just on a specific section

The check all is below the bar with  - Choose a board to search in, or search all -

Check the "+" to the left of Choose a board to search in, or search all -

Then check the sections you want to limit the search to if you want to focus on one or a limited number of sections

Typically I start with a wide search then focus down if need by by focusing on a poster,  adding words or limiting sections. Focusing down to specific sections may work if they are posted in a different section but we tend to move things around to keep things tidy here so more likely to be in the right section than some of the other sites - plus we have more sections and sub sections

Good luck
Jeff Speegle

Anything worth doing is worth doing concours ;)

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Re: Using the search function
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2019, 04:40:19 PM »
Thanks for the reply I wanted to through as possible. ;)
8F02R218047-  July 18 1968   Dearborn