Author Topic: WTB -- Small section of sheet metal under license plate -- original Lime Gold  (Read 351 times)

Offline Bossbill

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  • In the middle of project hell
In my zeal to get all things primered I no longer have any Lime Gold on any metal anywhere. I did do a paint match a long time ago to get my single stage Lime Gold quart, but the paint seems off.

If you have either a front or rear valance area under the license plate that is still original paint let's talk.
I would only need the area under the plate, so something crunched is fine as I only want the 1 foot wide license plate area cut out of your valance.

If you have any other ideas like kick panel area under fender, fully painted coupe trunk hinge or ??

Concours  Actual Ford Build 3/2/67 GT350 01375
Driven      6/6/70 0T02G160xxx Boss 302
Modified   5/18/65 5F09A728xxx Boss 347 Terminator-X 8-Stack
Race        65 2+2 Coupe conversion