I should add some details on lettering.
I took out a majority of the white with a dental pick. If the paint resisted the pick, it was staying put.
Using a very small detail brush and some Testors white I painted the shift pattern letters again trying not to get too much outside of the lines. If you failed at staying inside of the lines as a kid, fear not!
Taking some dry craft paper I wiped off the majority of the white not inside of the letter grooves.
It's then followed up with the same craft paper soaked in a bit of lacquer thinner. The picture above shows the brown craft paper soaked in thinner. Depending on how much white haze is left over, a followup of dry craft paper would wipe up the rest.
The idea behind the craft paper is that is has a little bit of tooth, so it does wipe away paint. But it does not have the fuzzies of paper towels, which would reach into the recess and pull out the paint.
I also use this method to re-letter the fuse box.