I altered the title also to cover both bases

Well first step would be to NOT purchase one of the decal "kits" for your application. Instead its best if you purchase individual and higher quality decals/stickers if your looking to be as close as possible to the original look. Don't know where Bob's response went but we'll look at both engine and engine compartment ones - in those two groupings.
Going to take a few posts to process through this

for your 67 Dearborn dec 22, 1966 built 390 GT, non emissions (DSO 41), 4-speed manual fastback
First we have engine decals or stickers. These should be pretty much the same as any other S code equipped 4 speed engine built around the same time as yours no matter the car assembly plant.
- Air cleaner CU decal
Both decals mentioned above - Sorry had to use pictures or restored cars and repo decals . Nice unrestored examples are difficult to find

- Air filter replacement decal - a very small rectangle white sticker with a black print and border has been found on other S codes built in Dec 66 . Don't why they didn't use the new cool looking Autolite stickers for this purpose like they did on other sized engines. Maybe just not enough room due to the two large holes cut out of the air cleaner base.
One repo one original. Both show the decal but two different locations depending on which of the many styles your car originally came with. Have seen one on the snorkel style between the snorkel and the breather tube for others reading this thread

- Engine ID sticker- Passenger side front surface of the cylinder head

- And lastly, if I didn't miss one, the clear sticker placed on the fuel filter attached to the Holley carb

Believe that is all there was for engine specific decals. This engine type and production period.
Hope this helps. Will get on the engine compartment ones next to finish up your request.