No this is the way the car came from the factory, the fresh air vent had never been removed until I removed it for restoration. It may not be typical but it was there and was asking if anyone had seen this before and maybe knew why it was there. BTW all pictures posted are from my car during disassembly not others.
Regarding the Bossbill duct tape comment, mine was 2" wide not 1.5" and was semi gloss, and my car had what I am calling duct tape and looked like duct tape not like cloth backed hockey stick tape, in a number of places from the factory. I have attached pictures which show some of those places, the DS and PS door bottoms, the DS door opening tail light and accessory wire channel, and the tape at the PS fresh air vent. It also had a piece of duct tape from one side to the other across the lower wind shield area right in front of the dash, on the tail light housings and on the gas gauge wire in the trunk, and several other places I just can't remember now and they where all 2" wide except for the one across the lower windshield/dash area mentioned above it was about 1" wide and had been torn to that wide length ways from probably a 2" wide piece and all where factory installed.