First, your Post should be separated into two Posts ; this is not the Section for "Parts For Sale", there is a separate Section for that (maybe Jeff or Charles can make that "split".
Secondly, you have a valid question on the "Space Saver" (or as Ford noted it "Collapsible Spare") which deserves a response.
The "Collapsible Spare" was first available in mid year 1967. I do not know the exact date, but it was between October 1966 and March 10, 1967, as these are the dates on the two "Salesman's Price Books" I have. No Part Number shows up in the Price Book, nor in the "1967 Only" Master Parts Catalog, nor in the 1960-68 MPC, for a 1967 Collapsible Spare. However, Part Numbers do show in the 1960-68 MPC for the 1968 Collapsible Spare ; the "Kit" is shown as C8ZZ-1508-A, the tire as C8AZ-1508-C, the "cap" as C8ZA-1720-A, and the inflator as C8ZZ-19C543-A.
Interestingly, in the March 1967 Price Book, it shows that of you had Radial tires, there was no charge for the "Collapsible Spare" ; if you had the Wide Ovals, $6.50 ; WSW Rayon tires, $13.08 ; and if you had BSW Rayon, $19.06.
Both the 1967 and 1968 Collapsible Spares were 7.35 - 14. Neither list the supplier (BFG, Goodyear, Firestone, etc.).