I do not have the original. The last leaf that would have had the stamped number was replaced with a leaf that raised the height of the vehicle - sort of a bent leaf. So, I'm looking for a replqcement. It appears that the stamping should have been C7ZE-5556-AU or AV? Or, C7ZE-5556-AE? Not sure if I'm reading the chart right. My A code will likely never be a sought after vehicle, but trying to get he parts right.
Thank you
Hi Mike - please note that the rear spring chart that I've been working on is still in rough-draft form, and my intent on posting it was merely to start an open dialog with other forum members on what part numbers and markings they have found on their cars over the years, what color codes are listed on the build sheets, and what information has been published in the various versions of the MPCs. It is my hope that with all of us working together, we can finally start figuring out some of these rear spring marking mysteries, and eventually create a set of useful guidelines for concours restorers.
That being said - you were reading the chart correctly. An A-Code GT Fastback (built after 10/26/1966) appears to have had Orange and Pink markings on the rear springs. However, the MPCs are a little fuzzy on exactly what was used on A-Code GT Fastbacks built
prior to 10/26/1966, as there is no clear call-out - so hopefully your car was built later...
One example of an Orange & Pink marked rear leaf spring was found to have the C7ZA-5556-AE number on it, so it appears that that particular number was actually used on the assembly lines. The C7ZA-5556-AU / C7ZA-5556-AV numbers are the description numbers listed in the MPC. I don't know if parts with the MPC description numbers were ever used on the assembly lines, but like I said, I'm just trying to get everything to line-up between the build sheets, MPCs, and findings on actual vehicles, so that's why they are all listed on the same row in the chart.
Best Regards,