« on: September 18, 2017, 09:50:01 AM »
Guessing this should be where this gets posted??
I recently rebuilt an Autolite 4100 (C5ZF-D for a 289 automatic) to use on my 66' coupe project. I have set the timing on the car (10 degrees) and it starts and runs with no issues. Now, when you give it a quick hit of the throttle, it stumbles like it is not getting enough gas or too much? I took it out around the back field and noticed that if you accelerate while driving it will do the same thing. It even shut off twice on me. I took the top off of the carb and the bowls have plenty of gas. I also checked the accelerator pump diaphragm by removing the primary booster and with moving the throttle, gas is indeed coming up to the booster assembly (also squirts fine when the booster is replaced). I then removed the carb and replaced the power valve just to be sure it hadn't ruptured. It hadn't but I replaced it anyway. Same issue....
Now I'm questioning if something else it to blame such as the vacuum advance? It had gotten too late last night to continue on so I will likely pick up where I left off tonight. I have a known good working 4100 that I was going to put in place to fully rule out a carb issue. Any thoughts or ideas on this one? It's got me stumped....

« Last Edit: September 18, 2017, 11:51:45 AM by carlite65 »

1967 Springtime Yellow Coupe, 289 2v 3spd, Metuchen built, Nov. 17th 66'
1966 Sahara Beige Coupe, 289 2v 3spd, Dearborn built, July 21st 66'
1964 1/2 Pagoda Green Coupe, 260 2v 3spd, Dearborn built, June 30th 64'
1966 GT350 Fastback clone, 289 HiPo, 725cfm Holley, 4spd, SanJose built, Nov 25th 65'