Very interesting thus far. I have a few to add.
7R01C157828 unrestored original paint car, with final rotation number found in the front corner. I don't have a picture showing all seven nuts, but this one with six has painted studs, but notice the push nuts on the grills are unpainted. I'm assuming as a result that the hood, bezel, and vent pieces were painted separately and then assembled. It has the unpainted area where the hood was hung with hooks, as expected. I'll throw in the pictures of the marks and rotation number for posterity. The first three pictures are of this car. I took these pictures myself.
7R01C1918** appears to be original paint. I ripped this picture from somewhere but the resolution is such that to me it is really hard to tell if one of the nuts is painted or not. I'm including it for those that might have better eyes. This is picture #4.
7R01S1486** Picture#5. Not sure if original paint, I don't see hook shadow marks so might not be. I don't see any paint on the hood insert nuts.
7R02S154*** Picture #6. Looks like original paint, no paint on hood insert nuts.