So I'm left with three options on upper and lower boots:
Nasty prices on NOS.
Low prices on NPD boots.
Lots of unknown unknowns on the All Classic Motors boots, which has "USA made exact, steel ring & embossed Ford number". I'll have to call them.
And yes, although it's not apparent in the pics above you have to "massage" the arms with various grits in order to remove any/all traces of pits. Difficult at best to do this and still leave all the press marks.
I managed to chuck up the LCA grease cap in my lathe and finesse the pits out of them with a 10mm belt sander (and other tools) while the part was spinning.
While I'm at this I will take my spare arms (aka the arms that need the most work and aren't up to a 'no qualms' concours finish) and will assemble them for later resale.
While you have the tools out to do one set, it's not much more work to do another. And I'll become an arms dealer
In the end they will go to either Rare Parts or Anghel for the rivet press. I don't need or want to mess about with this particular skill or set of tools.
If you've had this done send me a PM as to how much this costs. Just wondering ...