I cannot tell a Lye (yup -- humor).
The Easy-Off yellow can w/lye, although slow, took off the incorrect semi-flat black that had been layered onto a previously blue, fastback side panel. I think the PO that painted my floors black also replaced these panels. Possibly due to speaker holes?
Anyway, the lye worked but it was fairly slow. Same with removing most of the original factory blue paint. Slow, had to do it multiple times, very stinky, but it worked ok in that I'm left with mostly a stained blue panel with excellent detail.
Then today, in an area I had previously stripped of the incorrect black, I slathered on the Citristrip and covered it with plastic; then tried without. Then with heat; then without.
Finally let it sit for 6 hrs under plastic with a constant 95+ Deg worth of heat.
The Citristrip had previously removed all traces of the non-factory paint -- quickly. But it didn't touch, soften or do anything to the factory paint. It made it really clean, but it removed nothing.
The pics, are in order. the original area, gooped and then after. And no, the final pic is not just a re-print of the first.
No lie, I'm back to Easy Off.