I got a second motor from the local junk yard and "stripped it".The feed leads are the most common problem. The insulation cracks which exposes the wires which may short out. The other problem it cutting and splicing the blower hot lead to get switched 12vdc for an electric choke. It's sometimes a messy modification.
It took me a minute to figure out this part of your comment...You were referring to another reason a person might find damaged wires on the 64-1/2 thru 68 "heater only" type motors where the motor body & wiring would be mounted through the cowl, into the engine compartment. Got it. On Select-Aire type systems like my 67, this wouldn't likely have occurred since the blower motor wires are under the dash near the fuse panel area...fairly safe from a "butcher" or "hack job" type technician having spliced into them
This is one reason (as mentioned in previous comment) I didn't initially ever click on the Library Article...My WIRES are perfect...my concern was to prevent any future issues that might occur with the motor since it is so much more miserable to remove than the "heater only" system type. (and those are not fun either)
If you think you need to lubricate the bushings, use 3 in 1 20W oil, not the sewing machine variety.
Yes, this is my plan, thank you for the suggestion. I like all of the other recommendations in the Article on cleaning & painting. I plan on following most every suggestion. About the only item I will not follow closely is the restamping process. I will refresh & mask off my original stamp. I did this on my wiper motor & am happy with how it turned out.