Join us on Facebook: Search for 'ConcoursMustang' Private group! , Sonoma, CA August 21-24, 2025
as usual a great write-up. may i make a suggestion for about a write-up on wheel weights & valve stems??
Bob...your sure on the 67 nozzles these were always zinc? Not my expertise in that year but I know it is yours. For the double nozzle 68 style I was not 100% sure on the finish but seems to be a grey finish. Dont think its a phosphate finish either. Had trouble narrowing down what that is exactly.
Here is one for you Marcas
Yes single nozzle typically zinc. I am not sure what the finish on 2 nozzle which started in later 67 production(at least at SJ) is called. The dark finish reminds of the dark finish Seen sometimes on 68 marker light retainer bracket. I was told it was a common military grade finish but can't confirm. In the proper light it has kind of a dark rainbow effect like zinc dichromate gives off. Easier to see on a wider piece like the 68 mentioned part. I have had a number of NOS late 67 /68 double nozzle ones . The fresh plating on a NOS one makes it easier to understand. If you will be at Florida MCA show I believe a blue 67 GT500 entered will have some NOS ones. I too have plated black oxide to try and mimick finish closer. Thanks for doing the article.