Stayed with just NJ 66 V8 cars rather than mix other plants into the confusion. Since there are few great examples looked at C and A codes hoping that the workers that did one also did the others. All of the good examples I could find were from later cars but since you report that you had the rectangle shaped decal on the base (drivers side) we at least that to go on.
So it looks like the CU decal on top, AUTOLITE decal on base (at maybe 4-5 o'clock) and
no curved or rectangle AUTOLITE on the top lid as well as no FRONTOn the nicest original example I found had a replacement filter decal on the face of the base section. Don't believe it is being reproduced and can't explain why its only on one example and that example (same general time period as the others) does not have the AUTOLITE side decal.