With no first-hand access to untouched '68 S-code engines, I've spent a lot of time trying to determine the correct fasteners for mounting the alternator and smog pump. The numerous sources I've checked have had conflicting information on fasteners and on finishes. My newly acquired '68 engine manual sheds some additional light, and agrees with a "consensus" pattern that was starting to emerge from the other data. But the big question is - what really made it onto engines on the assembly line?
I've attached the chart from the thermactor page. The alternator pivot bolt and washer are not shown on this page, but on the alternator page they are listed as:
Bolt: 302569-S8
Washer: 34793-S8
I'm looking for feedback on the fasteners and the finishes. Hopefully field observations will confirm what's on the drawing. If not, this is the place to set the record straight. Final results will be sent to Jim to include in his spreadsheets.
This is the raw data for just the four bolts that go through the combo bracket. Note that there is even a conflict within the 68 engine manual regarding the length of the lower right bolt!
Type Loc. Function MPC code MPC chart MPC illus 69 eng 67 eng (JWC) 68 trk eng 68 eng t/e 68 eng alt Most likely
Bolt UR Attach to WP 53 42996-S7-8 42996-S 42997-S36 42997-S8 42996-S8 42996-S2 N/A 42996-S2
Bolt LR Attach to WP 53 42996-S7-8 42998-S 42998-S36 42997-S8 42997-S2 42998-S2 42997-S2 42998-S2
Bolt UL Pump pivot 75 45644-S8 301005-S 301005-S2 N/A 301005-S2 301005-S2 N/A 301005-S2
Bolt LL Alt pivot 26 375860-S2 N/A 302569-S2 N/A 302569-S8 N/A 302569-S8 302569-S8
Washer LL Alt pivot N/A N/A N/A 34793-S2 N/A 34793-S8 N/A 34793-S8 34793-S8
Edit: removed '67 alt bolt & washer - application is different from '68.