Though I would ask but guess I could look it up if no one knows. Guessed someone had thought of this before
Did Ford's engineers always used the same color code for specific numbers in their wiring diagrams though the year or from year to year?
Colorizing some factory stuff and have a couple of illustrations that show the color code number but its not in the index for the page
Yes indeed, at about the 95% level. There were some color changes throughout the vintage years (horns come to mind, radio power changed from black to yellow/black in 67), and circa 1971, some wires changed from solid/stripe to solid/dash or solid/dot. There's a great guide to all wire numbers, colors, and functions in the71-73 vacuum and wiring guide books (11x17) size.
I refurbished a 1978 MII with limited schematics and a lot of reverse-engineering. Having the same colored wires for the same functions made all the difference!