Please Help,.. I P/O ed a lot of my parts like the steering box, hood hinges, latches and ect. They turned out beautiful. matter of fact, Ill try to post a pick. However, the bolts, washers and what nots did not. for the last few weeks I have painfully polished every bolt and part. I first took photos of each piece with index cards to where they go. Then I separated them into small batches. next, I degreased for several days in a soak wire brushing them every day or so. then washed them good and put them into a tumbler. They look great at this point but I tried a small batch in the p/o and they came out very spotty and looked terrible. For the first time, I found myself looking up the prices on the AMK bolt packages. I really want to use the original bolts but I can not stand to use these the way they came out. Im now degreasing this batch and plain to re tumble and start over. What is the trick here. Should I just but the AMK or am I missing something. I really thought they would turn out like the other parts but I was wrong.. need so help here. frustrated ...