I had posted this on Foureyedpide.com
I saw that Bob was talking about his 5 point deduction and I know that Bluemax has a period correct battery from judging his beautiful SVO at the MCA show in Columbus. I thought I would post this here. I have seen Bob's car in Lincoln Nebraska at last years MCA show. It is beautiful as well.
I purchased a Vintage Motorcraft Battery for Shows
I had the chance to buy the used one - this one, or a NOS one.
My wife went crazy when she heard how much they cost.
She said heck no on the NOS one, but I was able to get the used one. She thought this was crazy money for this, but I told her where am I going to find another one.
It does not work and all the acid has been drained. It will be used only at MCA 79-93 Concours shows.
Here it is - Pretty cool. Not perfect, I think I can sand smooth the plastic out a little on the corners. I still need to clean it up a little.