I don't want to publicly beat up Mr. Gaines.
I will point his observations regarding some early unrestored cars without cables does not prove they were absent from the factory. They might have been, but since they were attached to the radio, it is possible they were removed when the dealer installed a front mount antenna. They also could have been tucked up under the dash.
Additionally, if it is an early / late theory, he will need to address how many KRs, built late in production, have front mount antennas and account for the dozens of cars built before # 300 that have rear mount antennas. I personally have information on at least three dozen. Now, it is possible they were all changed after they were built, but I find that unlikely.
If we agree they were dealer installed, there should be no deduction and the owner should not have to "prove" anything.
I think its rigidness like this that turns participants off to judging. It also reflects poorly on judges that need to have everything spelled out for them, because they are unable to use their own judgement. Too many judges are afraid to admit they don't know something. When you don't know, the benefit should go to the owner. I certainly would not be afraid to admit that up front. Judging should be a sharing and educational process for the participant and the judges. That doesn't mean you can't give your opinion based on your experiences.