Waking up an older post, I think this request best fits in here, rather than a new thread...Moderaters may or may not agree
Specifically, I am looking for original, UNALTERED images of the wiring harness peferably IN PLACE on the back side of the cluster of a 67 6K tach dash car.
* I already have the original tach dash harness with a green tag, it has "10B942D" & "TSX" on the tag. (For what it's worth, I am using all original main dash harness and headlight harnesses, not "converted" harnesses or reproduction harnesses)
* I think some of the taped areas are missing some of the tape, particularly in the area under the wiper switch. This is the focus of my need. Do I add tape or simply just strap it down?
* There is a wiring strap that is on the backside of the cluster, below the LS turn lamp. Would like a focus on that area, (VR area) to see what other original taping would look like.
* The images I see of Alloy Metal reproduction tach harnesses do not look like what I can see this one looks like so the reproduction harness looks different to this example.
* I found this image, but could use more detail of what is hidden behing the voltage regulator. This picture looks like a great example of what my harness likely looked like before some tape was removed. A flip-side view would help tremendously.