I just corrected in the Original Post, what I was asking about. I have my original 289 frame mounts so there was never a need for replacing them. I needed to replace the insulators since mine were aftermarket (though in usable condition, slightly sagging)
Since the original post, I have found a couple sets of fairly weathered original engine mounts (for the '67 289 I am working on) but I haven't decided them to be worth the asking prices (yet anyways)
I have found a good transmission mount and ordered that one.
The additional information posted has help explain a lot of the "why" and "what" is different between the years of 66-70 so that will very likely help others, as well as myself, to make good choices . Many online parts houses do NOT list the 67's and the convertibles as being different from the other applications mentioned.
Thank you Scott & Jim for helping. Jim... your pictures DO HELP, but noticing the dfferences can be difficult at a quick glance.