Author Topic: Rear Seat Divider: Jute in a '66 or Cardboard?  (Read 3099 times)

Offline drummingrocks

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Rear Seat Divider: Jute in a '66 or Cardboard?
« on: February 13, 2015, 09:28:56 AM »
Hi guys, I'm working on one of the MCA tests, and I'm stuck on a question.  For the '66 model year, I know all coupes had some sort of divider behind the rear seat.  Was it cardboard or jute?  I've only ever seen cardboard, but I know that my '67 coupe came with jute, and thought that jute might've been used in some late '66 models.  I can't seem to find a definite answer.
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Offline CharlesTurner

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Re: Rear Seat Divider: Jute in a '66 or Cardboard?
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2015, 10:29:52 AM »
Did you look at the MCA rulebook?

Consider that a lot of us here are MCA judges and technically you're not supposed to solicit other judges for answers to the questions.  :)
Charles Turner - MCA/SAAC Judge
Concours Mustang Forum Admin

Offline drummingrocks

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Re: Rear Seat Divider: Jute in a '66 or Cardboard?
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2015, 10:33:28 AM »
Did you look at the MCA rulebook?

Consider that a lot of us here are MCA judges and technically you're not supposed to solicit other judges for answers to the questions.  :)

Wait, hold up.  Then what's the point of having a "Contact an MCA Judge" right below the Judging Test portion of the MCA site?

That's ridiculous.  It's an open book test, even by the website's own admission.  Open book, to me, means use any and all resources available to you to find the answer.  If we can't use other judges' experience, then why does THIS site even exist?

Plus, there's tons of small details that we, on this site, admit aren't in the MCA rules; otherwise there'd be no need to amend the rules every year.  Where's the bit about having no red stripe in the white seats of a '69 Mach 1, for example? 

Sorry, Charles, I don't mean to go off on you personally.  But if that's how MCA is run, well, then I don't need to be an MCA judge that badly.
Too much junk, too little time.

Offline CharlesTurner

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Re: Rear Seat Divider: Jute in a '66 or Cardboard?
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2015, 11:11:14 AM »
It used to state on the test that you can use any resource as long as it wasn't asking another judge for the answers.  The 'Contact an MCA Judge' should be used to ask other judges on advice for where to look for an answer.  There is a difference between asking for an answer and asking where to find an answer.  I have no problem helping you and others to find the answer, but I'm not going to just give you the answer for asking.

This site is not affiliated with MCA, but a lot of us are judges for them and other organizations.  You may get feedback from others who are not judges on this site, but I'm pretty sure other 64.5-66 judges will not be handing out answers upon request.

As far as what you're asking, check the MCA rulebook first.  Then search this forum and also VMF since it goes way back.  Jeff, myself and others used to post on there for many years, so lots of good info there still.  Also, it's ok if you don't know something or can't find the answer.  I certainly do not claim to know everything and still learn new things.  The certification tests can just about be passed by using only the MCA rulebook as a reference, so that should get you pretty close.

Hope that helps.
Charles Turner - MCA/SAAC Judge
Concours Mustang Forum Admin

Offline drummingrocks

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Re: Rear Seat Divider: Jute in a '66 or Cardboard?
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2015, 12:10:49 PM »
I have no problem helping you and others to find the answer, but I'm not going to just give you the answer for asking.

And I totally respect that, and agree that that's how it should be.  But go back and read my original post.  I clearly have researched the issue (rear seat trunk dividers).  I even mentioned that, to my knowledge, most '66s had cardboard, and all '67s had jute.  How would I know that if I hadn't looked at my share of cars and books?  Please, don't think you were "giving me the answer outright," because you weren't.

But back to my original point, what if I had left that part about it being for an MCA test out of my original question?  Would you not have answered it outright?  Doesn't that say something about this site?  I was in the judges meeting at the Savannah Nationals, and one of the things they kept harping on was "We're always learning...all of us.

You can't have it both ways--either you want this knowledge to be available, or you don't.  Again, I thought that was what the spirit of this site was all about, but maybe I was mistaken. 
Too much junk, too little time.

Offline CharlesTurner

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Re: Rear Seat Divider: Jute in a '66 or Cardboard?
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2015, 01:42:44 PM »
It's up to you how you want to ask for information.  As an MCA judge, I do not feel right about giving someone the answer to a certification test question as I was told a long time ago that we weren't supposed to do that.  What if I had given you the answer straight out and someone told the NHJ?  How would that make me look from that perspective?  MCA judges giving out certification test answers on another website... why even have a certification TEST?

Since I am an MCA member and judge, my position on this is I will help you if you ask me, but I will not give you the answer to a test question.  I really don't understand why that is an issue.  If we're not talking about MCA test questions directly, then anything is game as far as I'm concerned.
Charles Turner - MCA/SAAC Judge
Concours Mustang Forum Admin

Offline J_Speegle

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Re: Rear Seat Divider: Jute in a '66 or Cardboard?
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2015, 03:15:23 PM »
Let me offer a few comments from maybe a slightly different angle

Wait, hold up.  Then what's the point of having a "Contact an MCA Judge" right below the Judging Test portion of the MCA site?............

Don't know how other judges over the years handled "requests"   I used that opportunity to help "lead" , when possible, the potential judge to the information. Teaching rather than telling. But of course these were the days when we knew what was on the test and often knew or assumed by the question that the caller was taking the test. I knew what was on the Shelby and other tests as I had copies of all of them.

Never was much of a supporter of the "open book"  idea or publishing a study guide since on the day of judging you will not have any of the resources available to you. Best MCA can hope for by using the open book method is that some education can take place during the test taking process of the more pressing details as well as recent changes to the rules and  items that are new "discoveries"

As anyone that is involved with testing and the process knows  a true false or multiple choice test is the least productive method of evaluating a person's knowledge, but it is what MCA is saddled with. But enough of that discussion could write multiple paragraphs about the science of test development and delivery

That's ridiculous.  It's an open book test, even by the website's own admission.  Open book, to me, means use any and all resources available to you to find the answer.  If we can't use other judges' experience, then why does THIS site even exist?

This site was not developed to help answer test questions for MCA test takers. IF that was our reason for being and  we had access to copies of all the MCA questions, we would have creatively woven them (the information) into posts, articles and responses which we have not. That is not our intent nor our "jobs"

Yes someone, as you mentioned, could "game us" and post a MCA question hidden within a request here on this site. They would very  likely get a response and with the help of the members find what we believe is the best information available at that time. Not something that would likely happen back before the wide use of the internet but yes something that could be done.  We can't guard against that nor IMHO have the time to try and discern every posters intent. At the same time individual members can choose to respond, simply ignore or just watch if they detect a alternate purpose to the posting.

One thing to reflect on IMHO is that since this site and MCA are not "connected", the answer you might get here may not be the one keyed as the correct one on the MCA site or the one that the AHJ felt is the right answer. Might have been different if past events would have taken place differently - just the way things are.

Have you asked your question (sorry have not checked in this week) over on the official MCA site?  Just got to ask since that is why that site was developed and the separate judging section provided.  Will watch to see what responses you receive there from members, other judges and officials. Seems the appropriate place to start.  Meant as a constructive, positive suggestion
« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 10:26:55 PM by J_Speegle »
Jeff Speegle

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Offline Richard P.

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Re: Rear Seat Divider: Jute in a '66 or Cardboard?
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2015, 04:52:50 PM »
Not all 1966 Mustangs from the factory had a divider behind the rear seat. That may have been the intention but I know of people that were the original owners that the divider was completely missing. I was called out on this in the late seventies early eighties and found it to be true.

Offline MyRed66GT

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Re: Rear Seat Divider: Jute in a '66 or Cardboard?
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2015, 08:02:40 AM »
My San Jose 66 had the jute behind the seat. I don't own it anymore...I'd have to find the build date for it if needed.

Offline J_Speegle

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Re: Rear Seat Divider: Jute in a '66 or Cardboard?
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2015, 06:13:29 PM »
My San Jose 66 had the jute behind the seat. I don't own it anymore...I'd have to find the build date for it if needed.

As a data point the time period is almost as important as what plant. Need both if the finding is going to carry some real meaning IMHO
Jeff Speegle

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