What great follow-up info, thank you! This a perfect example of why I've been hooked on reading through this site for so long. You'd be hard pressed to get this detail and information from anywhere else, trust me. Between this site and Bob Mannel, Colin Date and a couple of others, an enthusiast can stay on a fairly straight road and attain/maintain the authenticity most of us persue with our passions. I remain very grateful to all of you.
With that now off my chest, I should have also stayed on the original topic of "cross member finish" and "+1'd" that as well: Semi Gloss is right, as I found traces of that paint on the two '66 cars that I have owned over the many years. I did however, spray bomb my cross member and didn't realize they dipped them. Think I'll just leave it alone (it looks nice enough for NW weather). Another thing to remember is to not install it backwards, if your car has power steering and the bar has the flat spot, which should face forward, towards the control valve (drivers side). It has been mentioned on this site previously to watch out for this. Thanks again everyone. I mean it!