Thanks for the detailed info and pictures, I do appreciate it!
Ok, mine is definitely not original or correct then. Closer inspection shows the outside of mine is actually cloth, not paper. And has a rubber lining, as I mentioned previously.
Wow that's an odd one. Haven't seen it on any type of car - wonder where it came from
Ok, while we are on the subject of the Paper Vapor Tube, what are the correct clamps for holding it in place at both ends?
Don't recall ever seeing a clamp used at the air cleaner end on a 70 And didn't remember one at the canister until I checked my pictures. Guess I've got them for a reason
Sorry they are not very clear but here is what I've got
70 Dearborn - Arrow looks like it may be the end of the stud from the bolt of a clamp
70 San Jose - Arrow points to what appears to be the hex head of the tightening bolt of a Witik clamp
What I've got so far.
BTW each shows the same tin foil - covered by paper tubes shown above