1. The rear collar of the deluxe wheel for a tilt application is unique. I will post a pic as soon as I am able but it has rounded surfaces rather than flat to facilitate the tilt-away action. The non-tilt collar is reproduced, the tilt one is not. I may have one if you need one.
Pictures of mine are attached. Will compare with yours to determine if I need something else.
2. Emergency flasher knob is unique to 1967 tilt column. I think they are reproduced though. The bezel stamped "EMERGENCY" is not reproduced and rather difficult to find in good condition.
I've included a picture of mine from a tilt, with slightly damaged clips on the rear, along side what I believe to be a bezel from a standard column.
3. The tiny screws are not reproduced by AMK, are not in any kit AFAIK. They are chrome.
Thanks for the info. Like many others who are going to this level of detail, I'm up to the challenge.
Thanks again for the assist. John