Can someone provide picture of 289 2bbl carb throttle return spring and any support post for the other end. My buddy had his carb replaced by a professional shop and it was a jacked up afterwards.
66 coupe, SJ, 289, 2BBL, PS, TE (removed), automatic.
Try this forums library, topic " Official 66 Mustang Article List" and use the "65-72 edition of Ford Car Parts" - aka MPC. Illustrated section 95 page 3 shows a drawing of the carburetor. Illustrated section 97 page 5 shows 66 linkages BUT IT IS WRONG. Use the 67 289 linkage drawing in section 97 page 13.
-New carb is probably a made in China copy.
On the underside of the carb, there is a casting number, and there should be a Ford logo as well.
-Choke spring not in the slot. Choke jammed on when hot.
See the carb drawing, sect 95 page 3.
-Vac advance was connected to the bowel vent.
Now that's a new one. There's a threaded port on the RH (driver's) side base where the line to the distributor goes.
-Heater hoses routed backwards.
There are two different routing drawings for this. I prefer to take the hot water from the fitting on the intake manifold, route that hose to the holder on the thermostatic choke, then to the lower fitting on the heater core (it's inside the car) against the fire wall, then the top fitting goes from the port on the water pump. That way you get the choke heated faster. The service manual routes the water from the heater to the choke, which takes longer to heat. Make sure the hot water goes in the bottom heater fitting. That will force any air bubbles out of the heater core.
Lastly, is there any type of auto transmission down shifting linkage at the carb on the 66?
No. See the picture for the 67 setup. The downshift arm is welded to the bent up gas pedal rod.