MPC section 80 page 2 radiator cross reference - identification number C9ZE-8005-M is serviced by C9ZZ-8005-E
section 80 page 7 shows that the C9ZZ-8005-E service part is used for 69 Mustang, 6 cylinder 250 from 12/16/68. Standard and extra cooling and AC. Typical for service radiators to span a wide range of uses. Also it was pretty typical for all service radiators to have the automatic transmission cooler.
Also used for 70 Mustang 200 & 250 6 cylinder models, as well as 302 (except Boss), and 351 engines. It was not used though for the 351-4V with 3.5/1 axle ratio.
Dimensions 20-1/4 by 16-7/16 by 1-1/4
This should provide clues...but it is not "factory correct" per se.