I agree that there is no easy button for a correct comfortweave seat upholstery. The repro stuff isn't close. You have to find the correct material which SMS as mentioned is one alternative that I have used . I am a advocate of having a local upholstery shop build the seat from scratch for the best look. It is a lot less grief then trying to coordinate a big company to do a custom job then your local upholstery shop who does things like that on a regular basis. This is most appropriate when trying to do the best concours correct looking job . It would be overkill on anything less then a car being done to concours standards. Be aware the custom work is far from cost effective regardless of if you can get it done by the big repro mfg to custom make a set or local upholstery shop unless you are working on a high value car at the end of the day. You should also do your own homework about every detail aspect of the upholstery you are having done so that you can relay your expectations and get what you pay for . DO NOT automatically depend/expect the shop or repro MFG to get the details right, that is if you want your expectations to be met. Just some of my thoughts .Others may think differently.