As always thanks for the great pictures Jeff. Your really have a wealth of knowledge and what seems like an endless supply of pictures. Three quick questions. I hope the first two pictures are from a 8cyl car becouse my line doesn't seem to bend under the frame rail. It goes up instead.
Sorry not allot of 6 cyl pictures
In the last picture is that a clip that holds the line to the edge of the trunk floor? Does it just push on to that lip that extends down or is there a screw?
The trunk floor (ahead of the gas tank) is bent down from the gas tank front lip. It has a slight bend in the edge towards the rear of the car. The clip - clips into a hole in the lip and the fuel line simply pushes up in to it and "clips" into place.
There are a couple of other styles - but never seen them at any other than San Jose and their application was limited. The one shown is the most typical and think its the only one possibly used at Dearborn
Which line goes on top (furthest away from where the clip attaches to the floor) in the tunnel brake or fuel? .......
On the retaining clips that run down the tunnel that hold both the fuel and brake lines the larger (fuel) goes at the end of the clip (inside turn) and the smaller (brake) line goes on the side towards the floor. In that way the progression of the clamp getting larger towards the end (of the loop) matches the size of line.
BTW you picture (or lack of) above didn't show up